
Incorporation Packages

Octocomm provides one-stop incorporation services which including company formation, company secretary, significant controller register, registered office address, bank account opening and so on. You may also now apply our incorporation service via our online application starts from HK$2500.

As an international financial center, Hong Kong has enormous business opportunities and is the best platform for global trade. In addition to incorporation services, we also offer professional accounting and audit, tax planning and commercial legal advisory services which help to maintain your business at higher sustainability.

Incorporation packages mainly consist of company formation, company secretary and other value-added services with more discount. Here you may select your services upon your business needs and kindly refer to the following incorporation packages in detail.

*The following promotional packages valid date by 31-07-2024.

Hong Kong Limited Company Hong Kong Unlimited Company
Incorporation Package
(Economic/No Green Box)
Incorporation Package
(Standard/Green Box)
Incorporation Package
(Express/Green Box)
Incorporation Package
Company Name Search -
Company Registration Fee (HK$1,720) -
First Year Business Registration Fee (HK$250) Note 1
Prepare & Submit Incorporation Form -
Certificate of Incorporation -
Business Registration Certificate
Certified True Copy (for Bank Account Opening)
Green Box - -
Articles of Association (10 copies) - -
A Company Small Round Chop -
A Common Seal - -
A Company Signature Chop - -
Share Certificate (10 pages) - -
Statutory Record -
Minutes Book -
Time Required About 7 working days About 7 working days About 2 working days About 6 working days
Incorporation Package
(Economic/No Green Box)
Incorporation Package
(Standard/Green Box)
Incorporation Package
(Express/Green Box)
Incorporation Package
A.Company Formation Service
*required to add at least one VAS
HK$2,500 HK$4,500 HK$2,900 HK$4,900 HK$3,500 HK$5,500 HK$2,000 HK$3,000
B.Company Secretarial Service Note 2 HK$1,800 HK$1,800 HK$1,800 N/A
C.Significant Controller Register Service Note 3 HK$1,200 HK$1,200 HK$1,200 N/A
1-Year B+C Annual Fee 10% Off
(1-Year Total Sum A+B+C)
2-Year B+C Annual Fee 20% Off
(2-Year Total Sum A+B+C)
3-Year B+C Annual Fee 30% Off
(3-Year Total Sum A+B+C)
Other Value-added Services
D. Registered Office Address Service Note 4 HK$1,120+ HK$1,120+ HK$1,120+ HK$1,120+
E. Bank Account Opening Service HK$1,500+ HK$1,500+ HK$1,500+ HK$1,500+


  • The cost of purchasing a ready-made company may result in additional fees due to different business registration fees at the time of establishment. The above price is assuming a business registration fee of HK$250.

  • The above Significant Controller Register (SCR) service is entitled to a special discount price and the original annual service fee is HK$1,200.

    The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 ("the Amendment Ordinance") introduces new requirements on the keeping of significant controllers registers by companies. The Amendment Ordinance has commenced operation on 1 March 2018. If the Company fails to comply with the maintenance requirements of Significant Controllers Register, may subject to maximum fine of HK$25,000 plus daily fine of HK$700.

  • The above company secretarial service is entitled to a special discount and the original annual service fee is HK$1,800.

  • The above registered office address service is entitled to a special discount and the original annual service fee is HK$1,600.

  • All of the above prices are only applicable to Hong Kong residents, other overseas customers may be subject to additional fees depending on the complexity of the work and additional communication time.

  • All prices are subject to change without prior notice.

BVI Offshore Company
Ready-made Package Company Formation Package
Company Name Search
Prepare and Submit Relevant Documents
Registrar of Director, Shareholder & Member
Certificate of Incorporation
Memorandum & Articles of Association (5 copies)
Share Certificate (5 pages)
A Common Seal
A Company Signature Chop
Minutes Book
BVI Government Fee (First Year)
BVI Registered Agent Fee (First Year)
BVI Registered Address Fee (First Year)
Time Required About 2 weeks About 3 weeks
Company Formation Fee HK$9,800 HK$8,800
Additional Charge for 繁中 Name HK$1,000 HK$1,000
Total Package Fee HK$10,800 HK$9,800


  • All of the above prices are only applicable to Hong Kong residents, other overseas customers may be subject to additional fees depending on the complexity of the work and additional communication time.

  • All prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Should you have any inquire, please contact our professional team, we will endeavour to provide our customers with the highest standards of service.

Free Consultation and Proposal